

Parent Voice
98% of parents feel there is a good range of subjects available
94% of parents say their child is happy at school
94% of parents say their child feels safe at school
92% of parents feel their child does well at school
90% of parents feel the school makes sure its pupils are well behaved
86% of parents say the school has high expectations for their child
84% of parents say that the school has dealt with concerns raised properly
83% of parents of children with SEND say the school gives them the support they need
83% of parents feel the school supports their child’s personal development
Parents have also told us that:
‘We love Pheasey Park Farm School and staff are very helpful and friendly’
‘My child had the most fantastically supportive teachers. He has loved his time at Pheasey Park Farm and is so well set up for his future. Thank you’
‘My son has always been taught to work towards his full potential in all areas of school life. Support has been given if required and additional targets set if needed.’
‘The teachers are aware of the more able students and always seem to set additional tasks for them to progress onto which helps the child to develop and stay engaged’
‘All three of my children have attended this school, they really enjoy sports and the school have always given them lots of opportunities in this area’
‘I am really happy with Pheasey Park Farm School. The staff listen to my concerns and act on them. My son is happy there and always enjoys his education and extra-curricular activities’
Next steps to address key areas highlighted in the analysis
These statements have been selected as the highest priorities for 2023-24, based on proportions of parents who disagreed with the statements:
The school deals with bullying quickly and effectively
The school lets parents know how their child is doing
The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year
Priority 1 - The school deals with bullying quickly and effectively
What we do now:
The Behaviour for Learning Policy was reviewed in April 2023. It outlines expectations for behaviour for staff, pupils and parents. It also outlines school rules, guidance for the playground, procedures for the classroom, consequences, rewards and procedures for exclusion.
All bullying allegations are investigated immediately by Senior Leaders and where bullying is substantiated, support is put in place for the victim, systems are checked and all relevant staff are informed. Incidents are logged and reported to the Local Governing Board. Senior Leaders analyse information to check for any patterns.
The school takes part in Anti-Bulling week
Regular assemblies take place so that children understand what bullying is and what bullying is not They are taught how to report to adults if this is happening to them or to another child
As part of the curriculum, each year group takes part in PSHE lessons with the topic ‘Say no to Bullying’
Staff are given regular training on implementation of the Behaviour Policy and where adaptations have been made, this is communicated immediately to staff in order to improve systems. Due to confidentiality, circumstances regarding a child cannot be discussed with any other family, except the parent/carer of that particular child.
Where a circumstance requires it, there may be a particularly in-depth plan to support behaviour for learning for an individual. This may involve a number of outside agencies. Where, at times, it may be frustrating that this information cannot be shared with other families, we hope that you understand the need to maintain confidentiality for safeguarding reasons.
Mrs Wilcox in Hedgehogs supports individuals who have been the victim of bullying. She also works with those who present with inappropriate behaviour towards others. Senior Leaders mediate between all parties so that there is a shared understanding of the impact bullying has on a victim.
If concerns are raised by parents/carers, these are dealt with in line with our Complaints Policy. If a parent is concerned about anything to do with the education that we are providing, they should, in the first instance, discuss the matter with their child’s class teacher. Most matters of concern can be dealt with in this way. All teachers work very hard to ensure that each child is happy at school and is making good progress; they always want to know if there is a problem, so that they can take action before the problem seriously affects the child’s progress. Where a parent feels that a situation has not been resolved through contact with the class teacher, or that their concern is of a sufficiently serious nature, they should make an appointment to discuss it with one of the Senior Leaders in school. Most complaints are normally resolved at this stage however if concerns continue, parents should make an appointment with the Headteacher. We strive to act on the concern in a timely manner and communicate our response to you as quickly as possible in order to find a suitable solution.
As part of our Computing curriculum, children learn about keeping themselves safe online. An external provider has run a number of workshops for parents on Online Safety and supporting children to ensure online bullying does not occur.
What we plan to do:
For Autumn Term 2023, we have increased capacity for pastoral support by appointing a further Learning Mentor based in Hedgehogs
Further training for all staff on recognising bullying quickly and putting measures in place earlier to prevent escalation. This will be through the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Across 2023-24 further parental workshops will take place in order to support online safety/ prevent online bullying
We will continually take further feedback in order to improve our systems for dealing with any unacceptable behaviour or bullying that should arise.
Support from external agency – Online Behaviours - to broaden and educate pupils, staff and parents of what online bullying can look like and how to identify it.
Priority 2 - The school lets parents know how their child is doing
What we do now:
We hold 2 Consultation weeks – one in Autumn and one in Spring – to share with parents how children are progressing in school.
Open Evening provides an opportunity to discuss children’s progress informally with class teacher.
Mid-year reports are sent home in February to provide information to parents about how children are performing against their age-related expectations and what targets have been set for them
Pupils with SEND are provided with termly APDR targets which are shared with parents
End of Year reports are provided in the Summer Term – this provides details of the level children are currently working at.
With homework set online, parents are able to see their child’s work and view any feedback from the teacher. Work is usually marked online where parents can see if children have answered correctly.
Teachers are happy to speak with parents to discuss specific concerns
Parent workshops take place on how parents can support pupils at home
Boomreader gives feedback to parent about their child’s reading
Congratulations Assemblies provide opportunities for teachers to talk about the progress of individuals and celebrate successes and parents invited to this
House point books and certificates go home
SENCO meets termly with specific SEN pupils
Star of the week – texts sent home t
Reception have reading diaries where teachers record reading progress in diaries
Twitter showcases activities and work pupils have completed
What we plan to do:
Provide parent and child workshops during the school day. This will give opportunities for parents to come into school and work alongside their children on a specific area of the curriculum e.g., in Reception this would be Phonics
We will explore ways of organising Consultation Week to be able to provide longer appointments
We will move the initial Consultation Week from September to mid-October so that new teachers are more aware of a child’s abilities and therefore the discussion will be more informative
Send texts and postcards home for praise/recognition
Hold an additional parents evening for children on SEND register in summer term
Priority 3 - The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year
What we do now:
Half termly information for parents is uploaded onto our website. This gives a very clear outline of the learning that will take place in each subject. This also gives ideas of how parents can support their child at home to support learning in school
Progression grids for each subject are on our website and give an overview, across the year, of what the children will be covering
Workshops for parents in Year 2 and Year 6 outline the key learning in maths and English
Workshops for parents in Reception provide information about the Early Years curriculum and the Early Learning Goals the children will be working towards
Workshops for parents in Year 1 provides information about our phonics scheme and how to support children with phonics and early reading
During open evening we hold a meeting for parents of children moving from EY to KS1, and from KS1 to KS2 this tells parents the expectations/school routines
Newsletters and Twitter illustrate areas of learning within the Curriculum
What we plan to do:
We will continue to add information to the website so that parents are clear on the learning across the curriculum for the coming half term. We will promote this to parents and provide links to pages so that this is easily accessible. We will send text messages to parents to notify when information has been uploaded
We will expand the use of Class and Year Group pages to share learning that has occurred and where learning will move on to
Showcase our provision for SEN children e.g. update website with more information on our graduated response
highlight key areas of learning on the Newsletter
Knowledge organisers to be uploaded onto Year Group pages
Parent and Carer Survey Results and Actions - Summer 2023
