Subject Leader - Mrs A. Forward
Curriculum Intent
At Pheasey Park Farm, our employment of specialist coaches enables us to give pupils a high-quality education curriculum where they develop their physical fitness, stamina and understanding of the body during exercise. It is important to us that our children develop a positive healthy lifestyle and be physically confident.
An academic PE overview is in place at the start of the academic year and outlines the key areas we will aim to develop within PE for each key stage. Bespoke assessments link to planning and are fulfilled each lesson and term so that each child has an opportunity to meet individual learning outcomes.
Opportunities within school and externally are given for pupils to compete in sport, enabling them to build character and feel a sense of personal success in an atmosphere of healthy competition.
In order to ensure that children at Pheasey Park Farm School and Early Years Centre have the best learning opportunities in physical education, we implement a curriculum that is sequenced so that the children learn about subjects such as gymnastics, dance and sports according to their developmental needs. This begins in the Foundation Stage, when children learn how to create basic movements and balances, with opportunities to learn through play. In Key Stage 1, children build on these learning experiences and begin to widen their knowledge of P.E. by completing balance, coordination and ball skills such as throwing and catching, dribbling and kicking and multi-skills activities. In Key Stage 2, P.E. is taught building upon the progression made in KS1. This includes completing competitive games and building resilience and perseverance. The implementation of basic ball skills, which are threaded through the curriculum, allows children to establish links between their learning and progression.
P.E. is taught as part of a termly or half-termly topic, focusing on the knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. Staff plan sequences of lessons using our curriculum coverage and progression of skills documents, which ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum objectives and a logical progression of skills. At Pheasey Park Farm School and Early Years Centre, we ensure that P.E. is awarded the same importance as the core subjects, as we feel this is important in enabling all children to gain cultural capital. In addition to learning about the history of games and individuals within relevant P.E. lessons, pupils’ understanding of such issues is enriched through the implementation of KS1 Multi-skills, Sports Relief and the yearly Pheasey Dance Festival, which provide opportunities for ‘hands-on’ P.E..
The children’s performances will demonstrate an exciting, balanced P.E. curriculum and demonstrate the children’s knowledge and skills in accordance with the National Curriculum. Children at Pheasey Park Farm and Early Years Centre will be able to address valid questions about the skills and techniques needed to play sport. They should use their knowledge of previous skills taught to answer these questions and construct informed responses. By the end of Key Stage 2, children should have developed a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of Physical Education and the key skills needed for implementation.
If I work hard in PE, I could become...
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