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School News - 28th February 2025


Spring Term 2025


Dear Parents and Carers,

At last - Spring seems to be on its way. We hope you all had a lovely week over half term and managed to find time to spend relaxing with your families.

This week has been Test Week. Children from Year 1 to Year 6 have taken part in tests in order for staff to identify any gaps in their learning and plan future lessons and adaptations to support them. Our Curriculum Information for parents will be uploaded onto our website so that parents and carers can see which topics are being covered over the next half term and what the key learning will be in each subject.

Before and After School clubs are starting again on Monday. These will run until Easter after which we will be changing the sporting clubs to allow for Summer sports.

Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs Arnold    


Year 5/6 Indoor Athletics

On Wednesday this week, our Year 5/6 team competed in an Indoor Athletics event at Streetly Academy. Although we haven't been given the official results, we are keeping our fingers crossed that we made second place!

All the children represented the school well and thoroughly enjoyed the event, trying their hardest in all their events - a credit to the school and to you as parents.

Mr Rosser and Mrs Francis


International Languages Day

We have enjoyed a lovely time in school today celebrating International Languages Day. Across the school we focused on a range of different countries and languages:

  • Reception - Tanzania - Swahili

  • Year 1 - Brazil - Portuguese

  • Year 2 - Bangladesh - Bangoli

  • Year 3 - Malawi - Chichewa

  • Year 4 - Egypt - Arabic

  • Year 5 - India - Punjabi

  • Year 6 - Nigeria - Yoruba

We invited a range of different speakers, some live links to other schools in different countries, examples of formal dress and lots of activities for the children to complete!

Thank you to Mrs Shariff for organising the day!


Maths Mastery - PACT Workshops

Parents have fed back to us that there are elements of the curriculum where they would like to gain a further understanding - particularly in mathematics.

With that in mind, we have set up some PACT (Parent and Child Together) workshops and these begin next week in Year 3. We have chosen Maths as a focus as we are teaching Maths Mastery across Years 1 to 4 and this is quite a new approach for us.

The Workshops will allow parents to have some introductory information from our Maths Leader - Mrs Fereday - followed by a chance to work with their child on some maths mastery tasks and see how it works within a lesson.

We hope parents gain a real insight into their child's experience within maths and if successful, we will roll this out into other year groups


World book Day - 6th March

World Book Day will be celebrated in school on Thursday, 6th March 2025 and aims to increase children’s love of reading whilst allowing them to share their favourite authors. This year’s theme is ‘Read Your Way’ and there will be a focus on reaching all children.   


On Thursday, 6th March your child will be able to dress up as their favourite book character. Please do not feel you have to purchase a costume – home made outfits are perfect too - but please remember children will still go outside to play so they do need sensible footwear. No heels please! A separate letter has been issued with further information.


We have also launched a Wooden Spoon competition where children can use wooden spoons to create their favourite characters!

Here are some of their creations so far - the closing date for any more entries is Thursday 6th March!


Dates for your diary for Spring Term

Monday 3 March 6:00pm - Online pupil/parent workshops for Y6

Wednesday 5 March Year 3 Mastery Maths Parent and Children Workshops (PACT)

Class 3DR             9:30am – 10:30am

Class 3CH             11:00am – 12:00pm

Class 3AR             2:00pm – 3:00pm

Thursday 6 March World Book Day

Monday 10 March Year 1 Scootability this week

Wednesday 12 March Class Photographs

Monday 17 March 5:00pm - Year 4 Residential meeting for parents

Friday 21 March Comic Relief/Red Nose Day

Wednesday 2 April 2:00pm - Year 6 Relationships workshop

Thursday 3 April School Easter Disco (4:30pm Y3/4, 6:00pm - Y5/6)

Friday 4 April 9:30am/2:30pm - Nursery Productions

Tuesday 8 April 9:15am/1:45pm - Nursery/Rec Easter Bonnet Parade

Friday 11 April 9:30 - Year 3 Easter Service at Beacon Church

Break up for Easter

Easter Break: Monday 14 April 2025 - Friday 25 April 2025

Please note that the following days are INSET days and school is closed for children:

  • Monday 2 June 2025

  • Monday 21 July 2025


Community Events and Family Support


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