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School News - 4th October 2024


Autumn Term 2024


Dear Parents and Carers

Our Badgeholders and Young Leaders have been busy over the last couple of weeks. Badgeholders have delivered House Assemblies to both Key Stages and Young Leaders have set daily games up on both playgrounds for children to engage with at lunchtimes.

On Wednesday, results from our pupil elections were announced.  Well done to all pupils who have been voted to serve as A*STARS Sheriffs, Digital Champions, Eco Warriors, Junior Safety Officers, Wellbeing Champions and School Council for this academic year. A massive thank you to all pupils who nominated themselves and families for your support.

We are holding our Parents/Carers Evenings on Monday, 14th October and Wednesday, 16th October for children from Nursery to Year 6. All appointments will be face to face appointments in school and these can be made between 4.00pm to 6:20pm on the Monday and from 3.40pm to 5.40pm on the Wednesday. Appointments will be released tomorrow morning at 8:00am via Arbor. A separate letter has gone out today with further details for you.

Have a lovely, Autumnal weekend!


Mrs Arnold


Year 4 History Workshop

Last Monday, Year 4 children were visited by an Egyptians History workshop. They took part in a range of different activities including:

  • Egyptian scribing with authentic reed pens and real papyrus,

  • Egyptian games of Senet and Mancala.

  • Designing an Egyptian City

  • Artefact investigation!

They had a thoroughly enjoyable day, learned a lot about Ancient Egypt and were commended on their excellent participation!


School Fund

Thank you to parents and carers that have already paid their school fund. This is a fund that helps us provide activities in school such as the Animal Man, History Workshops and visiting theatre groups which widen the curriculum experiences for your children.


Admissions Applications

Walsall Admissions Team have set up a number of meetings across the borough where they can provide guidance and support with secondary application submissions for admissions.


The following sessions are available;


Location: Willenhall Library Location: Darlaston Library

Date: Tuesday, 15 October 2024 Date: Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Time: : 9:30am - 12:30pm Time: : 1pm - 4pm

Address: 1 Walsall St, Willenhall, WV13 2EX Address: 1 King Street, Darlaston WS10 8DE


Location: Lichfield Street Hub Location: Blakenall Village Centre

Date: Wednesday, 16 October 2024 Date: Thursday, 17 October 2024

Time: 9am - 5pm Time: 1pm - 4pm

Address: Lichfield St, Walsall, WS1 1TR Address: 79 Thames Rd, Bloxwich, WS3 1LZ


Coffee Morning

Thank you to parents and staff who supported our MacMillan Coffee Morning last week. There were some lovely cake donations and we were able to raise nearly £200 for this charity which is close to many of our hearts.


Safeguarding Team

Ensuring the safety of our children is a shared responsibility. At school, we have a dedicated safeguarding team available at all times for you or your children to reach out to in case of any worries or concerns.


IMPORTANT - Nut aware school

Please note that we are a 'Nut aware' school.  Our school aims to protect children and staff who have allergies to nuts and a number of these have an Epipen held in school in the case of a severe reaction.  We do not allow nuts or nut products in lunch boxes and we ask for your support with this matter. 

As a school, we do not provide food items that contain nuts however some items may state 'may contain nut traces'.  All food items we provide are checked for allergens upon delivery.  

The following items should not be brought into school:

  • Whole nuts

  • Peanut butter or Nutella/chocolate and hazelnut spread sandwiches 

  • Fruit or cereal bars that contain nuts

  • Biscuits or cakes that contain nuts

  • Or any other items that contains nuts

Children allergic to nuts may also have a reaction from sesame seeds so please do not send in items containing sesame seeds.

We really do appreciate your support with this item.


Payment of dinner money including Year 3

Please could all parents check their dinner money account on Arbor and clear or make a payment towards any outstanding amount.  Dinner money should be paid each week in advance of any meals taken.

If you think your child may be eligible for benefit-related free school meals, please make an application through Walsall Council via the following link - Apply for free school meals | Walsall Council

Walsall council will then advise parents and school if a child is eligible.



Please could we remind parents to purchase any tuck items they would like for their child for the following week no later than midnight on Sunday.  It is not possible to add items on after this time.  Tuck items are released on Wednesday each week and we would advise parents to purchase before school closes on Friday in case parents need any assistance with their Arbor account. 



Please ensure all uniform items, coats, water bottles, lunch boxes etc are labelled with the child's name.  This helps staff return items to children if they are found within school.  Please could all parents regularly check their child has the correct items and please return anything to school that has been taken home by mistake.



We are looking to update our wet break times/wet lunch period boxes. Please could we ask for donations of any card games/puzzle books etc that could be used by children.


School Disco

Children thoroughly enjoyed their 'Back to School' disco last night. Behaviour was excellent - as were the dance moves. Our next school disco is on Thursday 3rd April - towards the end of the Spring Term.


Hello Yellow

Join us for Hello Yellow Day on Thursday, 10th October 2024 as part of our recognition of World Mental Health Day. On this day, staff and children are invited to wear a yellow item (e.g. socks, T-shirt, hair accessory) for a minimum £1 donation. No onesies or cropped tops should be worn. Please ensure that if it is your child's PE day, they are wearing suitable clothing.


We are hoping that by wearing yellow, we can make the day a little bit brighter and raise funds for 'Young Minds', a charity which supports young people who are struggling with their mental health and advises the parents, carers and professionals supporting them. Let's show young people that they are not alone with their mental health..


Asda Rewards Cashpot for Schools

If you haven't done so already, please could we ask any parent who shops at Asda and uses the Asda Rewards App to select our school.  There are no cost implications to yourself and instead Asda will donate a percentage of your shopping bill to school.   

You have already raised £644.10 for the children at our school - thank you so much!


Dates for your diary

Wednesday 9 October - 9:00am - Year 1 Parent Phonics Workshop

5:00pm - End of Reception Expectations Teams

meeting for parents

Thursday 10 October - Hello Yellow - wear a yellow item for Young Minds

Monday 14 October - 4:00pm - 6:20pm - Parent Consultation Evening

Tuesday 15 October - Flu Vaccinations Reception to Year 6

Wednesday 16 October - 3:40pm - 5:40pm - Parent Consultation Evening

Monday 21 October - Harvest Donations

Friday 25 October - 9:15am - Year 1 Harvest Presentation

Break up for Half Term

October Half Term: Monday 28th October 2024 - Friday 1st November 2024

Monday 4 November - School Re-opens

Thursday 7 November - Year 5 visit to the Space Centre

Monday 11 November - Anti Bullying Week

Nursery Rhyme Week

11:00am - Remembrance Assemblies

2:30pm - Parents Anti-Bullying Workshop

Tuesday 12 November - Nursery - Dress up as a Nursery Character Day

Friday 15 November - Children in Need Day

Tuesday 19 November - Photographer for individuals

Wednesday 20 November - Photographer for siblings

Thursday 21 November - Flu Vaccinations catch up session R-Y6

Friday 22 November - Christmas Fayre Donation Day

Wednesday 27 November - Photographer re-takes

Thursday 28 November - Year 1 trip to Sudbury Hall

Friday 6 December - Christmas Fayre

Thursday 12 December - 2:30pm - Reception Production

Friday 13 December - 9:30am - Reception Production

Wednesday 18 December - Christmas Dinner Day

Wear a Christmas jumper/item

Friday 20 December - 9:30am - Year 5 Christmas Carol Service

Break up for Christmas

Christmas Break: Monday 23 December 2024 - Friday 3 January 2025


Community Events and Family Support



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