On Friday 2nd February, the whole school took part in Numbers/TTRockstars Day. Pupils in Reception - Year 6 attended an assembly during which they learnt about some famous mathematicians, as well as the possibilities that Maths could provide them in their future; they then engaged in several Maths based activities during the afternoon, in addition to their daily Maths lesson.
Two of our pupils represented Pheasey Park Farm at the Inter-Trust Maths Quiz that was held at Elston Hall Primary School. We are proud to announce that Pheasey Park Farm came 2nd place with a score of 480. A huge well done and thank you to Cady (Year 3) and Ben (Year 4) for representing us so well in this competition. Both pupils received a medal for their efforts.
Finally, a huge thank you to all pupils and staff for the effort put into dressing up as a rockstar/number. Everybody looked fantastic, and a fun day was had by all! From the funds raised, a small donation will be made to the charity NSPCC and the rest will be used to purchase Maths resources to support teaching and learning in school.'