Year 2
Mrs Begum - 2LB Class teacher and Phase Leader
Mts Williams - 2KW Class teacher
Miss Ford - 2HF Class teacher
Miss Carroll - Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Welcome to our Year 2 page for all our News and information
Year 2 is an exciting year for your child with a range of theme days, curriculum days and interesting topics. We follow a topic-based approach and make cross curricular links where possible, allowing children to make connections between areas of learning, for example, during the Autumn Term our topic is ‘Coastlines’. The children read a story called ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ in English and link this to their learning in Geography about the coastal town of Whitby and the physical and human features that can be found there. To engage the children, we have a ‘Seaside Day’ where the children take a virtual visit to the seaside, learn about UK coastlines and create coastal-themed artwork.
We also have a range of curriculum days throughout the year which link to different areas of the curriculum: creating a flower sculpture, building a coastal town, sewing a bag tag and becoming a pirate!
In Spring term, we have two different topics called ‘Movers and Shakers’ which is a history-based topic, and ‘Land Ahoy’ which has elements of both History and Geography. As part of these topics, the children will learn about a range of significant people including Christopher Columbus, Martin Luther King and Greta Thunberg. They will also read the ‘Little People Big Dreams’ books in English so they are able to make cross-curricular links. Children will also take part in fieldwork during a trip to Doe Bank Park where they complete hands-on learning about how the public use outdoor spaces and parks. During this trip the children also learn about Biodiversity and the different signs of Spring in the United Kingdom.
In the Summer term, children prepare for their end of year production. Each child takes part and this is usually the highlight of their year and thoroughly enjoyed by parents and families. Children also go on a trip to Tamworth Castle which links to their history topic ‘Magnificent Monarchs’. and a visit from a History workshop.
Children in Year 2 receive weekly homework every Friday which is set online. The homework activities will be posted on the year group page and there will be links to the tasks on Education City, Times Table Rockstars or Purple Mash.
Spellings are given on a Friday and tested on the following Friday. If time to complete homework is sometimes limited, please concentrate on listening to your child read, if only for a few minutes each day. Daily reading should be logged on Boom Reader.
Our P.E. (Physical Education) sessions are as follows: 
Indoor P.E. - Monday afternoon 
Swimming – Thursday afternoon 
Outdoor P.E. - Friday afternoon (weather permitting)    
We kindly remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school except for stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines, these should not be worn on PE/Swimming days.    
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, who will usually be available at the end of each day. Thank you in anticipation of your continued support.
Mrs Begum - teacher of 2LB Mrs Williams - teacher of 2KW Miss Ford - teacher of 2HF
Miss Carroll - Y2 Teaching Assistant
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