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Curriculum Overviews

Welcome to Year 6


Our Teachers

Class 6AY
Miss Yonacaci
Class Teacher
Year Leader

Class 6RN
Mrs Nelson
Class Teacher


Class 6SB
Mrs Baynham
Class Teacher


Mrs Binnion
Year 6

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to our Year 6 page for all our News and information

Year 6 is an exciting year for your child with a range of interesting topics and workshops to look forward to.  

We follow a topic-based approach and make cross curricular links where possible, allowing children to make connections between areas of learning. For example, during the Autumn Term we focus on the Tudor period, reading ‘Treason’ by Berlie Doherty in English and link this to History learning about the Tudor royal family. Children learn about key historical figures and the gruesome punishments delivered: this is always a popular lesson! To engage the children, we invite Henry VIII into Pheasey Park Farm and he shows children how to hunt, feast and play like a Tudor.














We also have a range of curriculum days throughout the year which link to different areas of the curriculum: making shadow puppet light theatres; creating an electrical game; producing a scrapbook and designing a balanced meal. 
In Spring term, we have booked a variety of workshops to make connections to real-life issues that are important to children today. As part of this, we teach children how to keep themselves safe in situations they may find themselves in. ‘Basic first aid for children’ discusses the appropriate uses of devices and social media and our ‘Split Second’ workshop led by The Playhouse theatre group explores why carrying a knife will not keep you safe. HSBC deliver ‘World of Work’ maths sessions to teach children how to budget and look after their money through savings and investments. 


Our workshops also act as hooks to encourage a love of learning. As part of our English lessons, children watch a performance of Macbeth by the Royal Shakespeare Company. Maz Evans, a contemporary author, virtually visited Year 6 as they were enjoying her novel ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ in guided reading. 
In the Summer term, children prepare for their end of year production. Each child takes part and this is usually the highlight of their year where children’s talents really shine. We also take children on fieldwork visits to Barr Beacon nature reserve where they complete hands-on learning about Biodiversity. We also visit Woodlands towards the end of the year as an after-SATs treat! 
A highlight of the year is our residential experience: this takes place in January at Laches Wood Outdoor Education Centre. We take the entire year group at the same time, which allows the children to share the experience with their peers, making some fantastic memories, before they move on to a variety of secondary schools.  












Bikeability visit Year 6 and teach children how to be safe on the roads when riding their bikes. They learn how to cycle safely and learn skills such as completing a U-turn without losing their balance. 

Homework in Year 6 consolidates previously taught learning to ensure this transfers to children’s long-term memory. Each week, children are set the following: 

  • A chapter of a book to read with accompanying questions. This can be found on Purple Mash. 

  • A writing task linked to the chapter they have read. This too can be found on Purple Mash. 

  • 10 spellings to learn. These can be found on the Year 6 Class site. The spelling rules will have been explored within classroom teaching. 

  • A Maths lesson and a worksheet to complete. This can be found on MyMaths. 


Reading, Writing and Maths homework is set on a Friday and due back on the following Friday.  
Spellings are issued on a Wednesday and due back on the following Monday. 

Children are expected to read at home regularly and log this on Boom Reader. 
They should also complete times tables practice on TT Rock Stars.. 
Our P.E. (Physical Education) sessions are as follows: 

Indoor P.E. - Tuesday afternoon 
Swimming – Wednesday afternoon 
Outdoor P.E. - Friday afternoon (weather permitting) 


May we kindly remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school except for stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines, these should not be worn on PE/Swimming days. 


We look forward to working with you over the next year to ensure your children have a pleasurable and valuable last year. Year 6 is a particularly important year, and we look forward to excellent progress being made. If you have any concerns or worries, please arrange a time to speak to one of us as you play a vital role in your child’s education. 


Miss Yoncaci  - 6AY    Mrs Nelson - 6RN   Mrs Baynham - 6SB       Mrs Binnion - Y6 Teaching Assistant

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